
The problem with Clippy was that he INTERRUPTED users.

Dear Qualcomm,

We now have Apple suing HTC, Oracle suing Google, and Paul Allen suing the entire world.

A user-enabled auto-text app is too prone to operator error (i.e. the user not enabling it every time they enter the car).

And....let's not forget the third best way to avoid being tracked: stop posting your life story on Facebook and Twitter. :)

Here's the thing: the marketplace should sort this out.

Yeah, they're using some very loose language to call this "supercomputing".

Awesome!!! Best show on television.

Apple Marketing Dept: Sir. The market report just came in today.

Hoooray for the lawyers!

How to find Steve Jobs: Look for an asshole driving an unplated Mercedes in California.

Well according to Glassdoor, Eric Schmidt of Google has a 97% approval rating.

The Google store is down!

Simple math:


Apple already has a CDMA iPhone.

I bet this exact clause is in Sheldon's roommate agreement with Leonard.

Did he park in the handicapped spot out front?

If they had a sense of humor, they'd have targeted their fake ad for antenna designers or iPhone 5 prototype testers.