Bill Maher has a Freaking Amazing New Rule for the Notorious HRC:
Bill Maher has a Freaking Amazing New Rule for the Notorious HRC:
Hating Hillary is a bit of a national pastime. Mother Jones has an interesting article on her honesty:
Me too. I'm a Mellinial WOC the amount of people who have asked me to qualify my appreciation and love for her is astounding. I've always loved her, I've never expected her to be perfect but she has always been someone aspirational to me. I'm actually reconsidering law school because little kid me wanted to go because…
YOU AND ME BOTH! (on all counts, including that drink)
I’ll join your group.
I'm going to use this comment forever. It's perfect. And encapsulates the issues with HRC perfectly.
It’s the dumbest conversation. I don’t need to feel like I can have a beer with my president. I need to feel like my president is the smartest, toughest, and most dedicated person in my country.
Likability only applies to women. If HRC were a man she’d get 100% of the vote. She’s that qualified.
That’s the clip. It’s un-fucking-believable.
I need to form a support group for people who have always liked and related to Hillary, and therefore in this election feel like outcasts.
“likability” got us George Bush, and his puppeteer Dick Cheney the shitty surprise in the box. I’ll take “competent wonk” over “likable” any day of the week.
I’ve always liked her. It’s more popular than you think. It’s just that we never saw her as the next coming of Jesus Christ, which is what happened with both Obama in 08 and Bernie this year. So, our tempered relationship with her seems unenthusiastic and silent by comparison.
Join us on the unabashed pro-Hillary side! She is awesome! She will make a great POTUS and we will get tons of awesome gifs of her not giving a fuck!
For the people in these extremes, it’s exactly what they want or nothing at all. While I certainly understand the emotion of working very, very hard for a candidate only to lose (these Bernie or Busters should talk to Hillary’s PUMA volunteers and delegates from 2008, but to recognize that commonality might actually…
Same here. At work I’m known as an uptight ice queen who cares most about policy and stats. When I leap-frogged every dude in the office to get my position, it was *obviously* (eye roll) *only* because I am a woman. They subsequently tried for a good year to bring me down. Eight years later I’m still here and have…
Can we mention how Hillary didn’t fly off the handle at one of the Benghazi victim’s mother accusing Hillary for her son’s death? Unlike a certain Cheeto who was offended that a gold star family suggested he didn’t know the Constitution?
I don’t think it’s nearly as unpopular as people think it is. You don’t get fifteen million votes in a primary unless a lot of people like you.
Don’t feel bad. I like her too. I remember her White House years and everything after. All the calls for her to “stay in her lane” — and how as a young woman who didn’t want to be a housewife or a secretary, I was in thrall to how she handled it all.
It’s fine to like her. Her scandals for having been in the public life for almost 30 years are pretty much all nothingburgers (email server? Benghazi? puh-lease *wanking motion*). And the only reason her disapproval ratings are so high is because she’s less charismatic than other political figures.
Yeah it’s upsetting because I don’t feel like I am allowed to like her or to be excited at the prospect of a women candidate but I do and I am really really excited. Go Hillary!