
You lefties sure love to encourage suicide...

Sorry, but Bernie is old, white and male. Those are the 3 worst things a democratic candidate could be this day and age. Tulsi Gabbard is the ideal candidate. She’s a woman, she’s young, she’s attractive, she served in the military, and she grew up in a multi-cultural and multi-religious household. Sorry Baracka, but

Sorry, but Bernie is old, white and male. Those are the 3 worst things a democratic candidate could be this day and age. Tulsi Gabbard is the ideal candidate. She’s a woman, she’s young, she’s attractive, she served in the military, and she grew up in a multi-cultural and multi-religious household.  Sorry Baracka, but

This is just incredible journalism.  Well done, Nick.  I think this is the story that propels you to the next level.

You know if Hill Dawg was president (which these commenters preferred over Trump) Epstein would be a free man. There’s no way she’d allow an investigation like this to happen when there is concrete evidence that Billy flew on the Lolita Express at least 26 times with dozens of teenage girls.

They’d just deflect and attack the credibility of those polls (even though those polls were taken by dems and leaked by dems).

What?  For speaking the truth?  I’m sorry you can’t accept reality.  It must suck to constantly live in denial. Or to live in a country you mostly hate...

95% is obviously an extreme exaggeration.  However, Rasmussen has Trumps approval rating at 50%.  Knowing how polls work when Trump is involved we can safely assume his actual approval rating in this country is closer to 55-60%.

Thank you for the reply. This message alone will lead me down a new path in life....Anyways, I’d love to engage people in an actual discussion. But, most of you on the left can’t even have a conversation with someone who disagrees with you politically. I mean, does it not get old calling everyone a Nazi or a racist

Ok, let’s talk.  What would you like to know?

Ah, so you do care about sex trafficking of children.  Well then, how about we secure our borders to stop some of that?

Let’s talk about Bill Clinton’s and the rest of the democrats relationship with Epstein...

Omar lived with Ahmed Hirsi during the years she claimed to be married by law and in faith to Ahmed Elmi. Hirsi and Omar shared the same address from 2006-2012. Omar was married to Elmi 2009-2011. Omar and Elmi’s listed home address in Columbia Heights is the same address Hirsi used to register a business.  Under

Nah, you far left extremists deserve this shit. Trump’s response isn’t racist because he treats all his political enemies the same, no matter the skin color. Now, I don’t actually agree with Trump’s main argument that if you don’t like it, you can leave. Because we have the freedom to vote for change in this country.

Mr. Dice Clay Matsuzaka, zero? Really? Definitely not my best work, but I got a handful of serious responses.  So, how about 3/10?

Serious question.  What exactly was racist in Trumps twitter rant?  No where in the tweets do I see anything that suggests the superiority of one race over another.  America as a country is not a race.

See, I don’t know if you can call it racism when he treats all his political enemies the same. You have to admit that he’s pretty consistent with his attacks regardless of skin color. 

Are you implying that the investigation should be criminal?  

And they think comments like “kill yourself” or this new thing they’re doing “You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.” has any impact on me whatsoever, lol. They all just tend to ignore any facts that are inconvenient to them...