
Whenever i fly with my kids and we hit bad turbulence, they act like they're on the best amusement park ride of their life...actually calms me down a lot to see them enjoying it. Their perspective reminds me that i should worry less....

Winning the lottery + being in florida means this will almost certainly end badly. I vote for "slamming jet ski into motorhome" as the most probable future cause of death.

any adult who yells, or even speaks emphatically towards a child playing his first year of t-ball, is terrible and incompetent. t-ball is all about teaching skills and fostering a love for the sport. The goal of any youth organization is that you are teaching the game, teaching sportsmanship, and encouraging the kids

ban tailgating.

I don't care at all about high school sports but if they clean house (coaches/ringleaders/participants), and hold all of them accountable (job loss, possible criminal punishment, etc) why suspend the program for the next generation of middle school kids? If this is a longstanding problem, wouldn't bringing in new

isn't this basically what got that HS in NJ in trouble?

like i said, there will always be assholes no matter what you try to do....but i think when you take away the ability (actually more like the invitation) to park in an official lot hours early in order to get hammered, the number of incidents of not only fighting, but just general over the top drinking to excess will

This is a problem in every stadium from philly to sf. It's unrealistic to expect teams to ban alcohol sales (and probably not necessary since long lines + expensive beers + relatively short time allotted to buy beer during games would drastically cut down on excess), but I really believe the solution is to ban

Nice tackle, but khaki pants with white socks? c'mon...

I get offered free eagles (and giants) tickets a few times a year and i almost always turn them down. Regardless of which east coast stadium you're at, it's all the same. Tailgating in a lot full of drunk white trash...walking into the stadium with drunk white trash...sitting next to drunk white trash..fighting

Thank god we live in an age where brutal crimes get a lot more exposure than they would have in the past. Weed these assholes out of the game, even if it means replacing an occasional star with someone further down the depth chart. Show the fans and your teammates/employees that you stand for something. The sooner

There was a time when what a man did to his wife in their home was his business. We've (mostly) evolved to understand that family doesn't mean property. Relationships aren't about fear and power. You can't beat your wife, yet there are plenty of people who think it's ok to beat your child. A Spanking is not beating.

I remember this piece vividly. This line always stuck out for me: "Anything that kills 300 trained firefighters in two hours is a world-class disaster."

No business, including the NFL, cares about anything except making money. They know you aren't going to stop spending your time or money with their product regardless of what happens off (or even on) the field. They have us now and they always will. At least the league doesn't try to hide it anymore. If you don't like

His decision to join arguably the best club in the world doesn't really need more of an explanation.

never said there was anything wrong with not wanting or even liking children. It was the almost visceral disgust the person has with children that seemed odd to me....apologies if it came off that i was saying everyone must love kids....

well adjusted people don't give dirty stares to children for the sake of being a dick

I hate kids. I've hated kids since I was a kid. As I've grown up (I'm 26 now), they can be barely ok in small doses once they're old enough to talk, but as a rule I still hate them. I give them evil stares in the grocery store when the parents aren't looking. I cringe when someone on Facebook posts pictures of their