Phil? Phil Connors?

I’m pretty sure the Mueller Report cleared him of any charges of cheating at golf. 

He walked into the backyard with a bluetooth speaker blaring American Woman and carrying a twelve pack of Budweiser tall boys, cracked one open and threw it to me.

Remember: It’s a white genocide. WHITE.

I’m calling this one out as fake.


The Pledge:

From: Greg Webb

Gotta love using your company email to send dead letters, mr InterTrans Logistics & Services 

The exchange with Joel Sosnick may be my favorite Dead Letters entry ever.

“Grow up faggot”

I don’t get why you guys keep writing about Liz Mair. Who the fuck cares about some D-list “political operative”? Who reads fucking Deadspin that cares?

It looks worse than that; it looks like a car that’s from a knock-off GTA.  GTA makes better looking cars than that.

Nah, Shooter McGavin was actually good at golf.

It is incredible and, frankly, impressive that no matter how much you think this dope couldn’t be any more petty, vindictive, and stupid, he will always find ways to greatly exceed  the worst you can imagine. 

I know there’s nothing remotely surprising about this. But it really fucks with my head how pathetic the President of the United States truly is.

lol Workhorse looks like a car from GTA series that is copied just enough for you to know what it is but just a bit different to not get hit with a lawsuit

He’s on r/theredpill right now ranting about how she cost him his job over nothing. 

I can see it.  “What?!  I’m fired?  I even said, ‘I hope this doesn’t offend you,’ so after that I should be allowed to say anything I want.”

I’m surprised GNR is suing because when they were young and their heart was an open book, they used to say live and let live.

O’Leary would lend them $50k at 17% interest until he recoups $500k, and also demand a $2 royalty for every ride in perpetuity.