Phil? Phil Connors?

Yeah, 100%.  Don’t worry, Captain, your take is absolutely room-temperature.

I don’t know if that’s a hot take.  He was hilarious, and widely regarded as underrated.

Nothing says “I’m a real man” like 18 paragraphs of whining under a picture of a bowl of mayonaise.

On the plus side, he’s only raising one kid, not two kids....This is because he made them fight to the death immediately after posting that picture.

Me: Please. Aubrey Huff doesn’t have any fans.

Aubreys, ranked:

Oh my God, that Instagram post with his kids would be the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, if it weren’t so goddamned tragic that he’s raising two sons with that garbage in mind.

Human Centipede? Your version sounds cuter (I’m picturing a wooly bear version).

Great White North Elitist.

Fuck this concept in the ear with the sharpest dick. Same goes for Alyssa Milano’s hot take.

As I’ve said many times before:

Eat shit, Ivanka

As much as the past 2 years of political chaos has sucked, there’s a certain schadenfreude in watching Trump’s staggering mediocrity give equally mediocre young men just enough rope to hang themselves.

Kelly’s sister works in the grad dept where I got my degree and when I tell you that awful must run in the family. She would say the most casually racist shit and feign ignorance when called out. 

The good news is Bean doesn’t care whether he wins or loses. Bean in it for the attention, the treats, and any extra belly rubs. So in that sense, Bean won big.

The girl who did that was probably his mom.

Mom should maybe tell him to stop being an annoying little shit and don't play with the doors

You’re reading a media critique from a site that does media criticism. Jesus, did you flip out every time you came across an Ebert review, screaming yourself hoarse that he didn’t make any fucking movies, etc.?
Or, using your flawless logic, maybe you should start your own media outlet.

That’s all I was thinking— how could they not talk to the girl involved? I guarantee it was more than a door opening and shutting! This dude is an admitted misogynist and you, a journalist, are going to let him spew his lies in a national publication without fact-checking?? I’m so sick of treating these trump

Ryan is convinced that if it had been a fight between two girls, things would’ve been different. He has this idea that since I’m a woman, if I were in the same situation, I could do whatever I wanted. I could pull out a knife and stab a guy, and I wouldn’t get in trouble.”

An article like this would be fine if perhaps it was about two teens with differing opinions comparing and contrasting and maybe letting them talk to each other. This kinda shit is pointless.