Phil? Phil Connors?

I’m sure the comfort of knowing you are not affected directly by having the government shut down - food stamps, housing, health care, your income - allows you to comment on a blog and bitch about democrats. I bet you’re the type of person who loves to float high ideas and aspirations and then do jack and shit to

And that’s just what they previously agreed on before Trump got DMed by Ann Coulter to sink it. He could still fuck this up.

But they didn’t give in to Trump, so what the fuck are you bitching about?

I am also conflicted about watching these days - I usually tape it, then FF through the unbelievable amount of commercials plus most of the time McCain has the camera. She is very very not intelligent. Nor is she entertaining. 

So, a thought, then?

When the names come out they’re just projecting.”

Welfare = bad; because people need to be encouraged to work

I can’t watch this show, or any show with people sitting around yammering. It immediately sets my teeth on edge. ETA I sometimes put it on for the last few minutes before “Action News at Noon” in Philly comes on and even those few minutes is enough to spike my blood pressure.

Do big toes really fart, though? 

That and/or an uncooked chicken nugget if it was painted for filth. I’m tired of her hypocrisy. 

Pretty sure that qualifies as a war crime.

She looks like the petulant rich girl that never worked for anything in her life that she is.

I can’t help thinking she looks more and more like Ursula from The Little Mermaid, just without the panache and gusto (and any other appealing or redeeming qualities, so basically an asshole witch).

The estate tax should be 100% for rich people.   If you disagree then you should be forced to listen to Meghan McCain talk about any topic.   You will see things my way in less than 10 minutes.  

McCain looks like she’s squeezing out an especially choice fart in that header photo. 

Dollars to doughnuts my parents voted for this moron.  I try not to think about that too much since it bums me out.

I finally figured out who this guy looks like.

this guy sucks forever ass.
