Phil? Phil Connors?

Yeah, but as Warren v. District of Columbia (1981) taught us, the police are actually under no obligation to protect, nor serve. The specifics of the ruling are that the police are obligated to P+S the public at large, but are not obligated by their position to P+S any specific persons. The face of it looks friendly,

“German nationalist” 

The Overton Window really needs to be pulled back in a big way if AOC is considered a radical communist.

Racially charged police dog and water hoses addressing protestors.

Then why does Fox News do it all the time?

“To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the Second World War, we will be running a month series of stories that focus on some of the key people and events of this unprecedented conflict in human history. Today we start with Adolf Hitler and his anti Semitic tinged remarks.”

You’ve got it backwards. It’s a media run state. 

Congratulations Steny on being to the right of those old Commies, Eisenhower and Nixon.

My favorite John Oliver joke is when he would use Gilbert Gottfried as the voice actor for Kushner.  

I work closely with a half dozen hardcore Trump supporters. I argued for a long time, from his candidacy up to now. It goes no where and it blows my mind. I live with a fear in the back of my mind that I’m going to curse one of them out one day and maybe lose my job. Especially when my boss and his boss are among the

They should do something like British Parliment does where they slam the door on Black Rod as a show of defiance to the crown.

Always left unsaid by these “just get another job” morons — the federal government is the No. 1 employer in the country. Many places where these jobs are, there aren’t enough other employers to simply pick up the slack of 1% or 2% of the workforce being out of work suddenly (let alone pay as well or offer any sort of

Ever since Trump walked down those stairs in 2015, the stupidity we’ve had to deal with as a result of him has been staggering. And it only got worse with each incremental step along the way...his primary win, his general election win, his inauguration. But this fucking shutdown right here, over this stupid fucking

And don’t forget that all of the government workers are democrats anyway, so it doesn’t matter if they don’t get paid! That’s right, somehow both those things are true at the same time! Don’t question me! You’re fake news!

Yeah, but Trump has personally assured us that every single one of those workers is ok with not getting paid because they understand the importance of the wall getting built and totally support him all the way.

If this tragedy is ever going to be reversed, it is vital that everyone know exactly how it occurred.

Certainly not the first time some Arians have complained about the work ethic of a Brown.

Also “coastal media elite,” “organic vegan,” and “perfect blue collar party.” I mean, shit, I know plenty of blue collar and rural people. and a perfect party to them involves some sort of barbecue and/or fish fry.

How do you return these people to the fold?

Well said. The moment I saw "best meal we ever had" in reference to literally the cheapest, lowest quality, and most ubiquitous foods in the country I couldn't figure out how anyone would even momentarily believe such a sad lie.