Man! That car must be sooo quiet!
Science is self-correcting. It’s a process, by definition. If you’re looking for one absolute answer on every subject that never changes (regardless of new understanding) then what you’re after is a religion. Good luck with your pointless search for absolutism.
This is the best answer for the classic “oh, what’s the harm?” defense of pseudoscience. The harm is that A) rubes are being bilked, and B) people are being lied to about the causes of health issues and they’re less likely to use real science to treat it.
I think this is going to result in some very strongly worded anti-shooting-republican-legislators legislation.
Couldn’t help but notice how Collins happened to ignore the two huge stupid fakey-fake intakes surrounding the fog lights. One even has a real hole cut into a small portion of it. Frikkin dopey AF.
Fair enough. Been there myself.
I think you’re using the word “unique” improperly.
Honda should be ashamed of their hiring practices.... using children to design their cars.
“WLS reports that Boucher was arrested and charged with three counts of misdemeanor douchebaggery”
Wow. Only 30% of the huge grille is actually a poorly disguised bumper. Audi really needs to get a new “design language”.
BEH heh heh, I love that the dickheads were circling the car, as if trying to figure out why it wouldn’t roll right.
BEH heh heh. I hope you’re twiddling your fingers magically in the air when you you say “healing vibrations”.
Wow, that thing looks stupid. It’s got the fake plastic intakes of ten cars, all in one. Fake speed holes?
Fight the man.
This shit right here has got to stop. Huge and obviously fake intakes that wouldn’t fool a four-year-old. Fucking retarded.