
Ok, how about this one Torch.

And then they just declared bankruptcy so that the ‘new’ company couldn’t be blamed for the actions of the ‘old’ one.

For God’s sake don’t cheap out on pre-selecting your seats. You can do this when you book your tickets and it’s even still free on some airlines. Pre-select them even if it’s not free. If you wait until you check in online at T-minus-24-hours, you’ll be SOL because other people will have sucked it up and paid for

Hey Emily, thanks for the article, I am a Passport Specialist at the National Passport Information Center if you or anyone have any passport questions! 

I did notice in your instructions:
“If you need that passport in a few days then you need to head to an acceptance facility. The process is also a tiny bit different.”

Lovely. Since teenagers use the internet, and teenagers are largely f*cking idiots (I have one, and unless you do, don’t even), and since we live near the beach, I fully expect to have a conversation with my kid about why it’s extremely stupid to do anything listed above.

You don’t spend much time on other Gawker sites, do you?

Well since I don’t drive a GM anymore you can let them know I listen to 27.3750 MHz LSB

After studying the radio listening habits of 90,000 GM car owners, it has been determined that our “real people” ads, targeting customers with terrible taste and/or lower than average IQ, has been largely successful.

This is what happens when you don’t have a good working relationship with hardware. They both should have showed up the the meeting with the sales engineer half way under the bus. 

My sister just got an Ascent. I was amazed they got it in under 10 weeks. Took me 10 weeks to get a manual 2012 Focus.

Unpopular opinion - I actually like apple maps.  It’s seamless, and that’s pretty much all I care about.

I was at Milwaukee (Flat Oval) when Nigel Mansel (World Champion) went thru the Indy Car Field (Back when it was good) like a Scythe thru the wheat on his way to his Rookie Indycar Championship. He got snookered at Indianapolis though.

The British truly are amazing. Take a bunch of hardened criminals, ship them around the world, and make them hate fun just as much as someone from London.

My first thought when I saw this was the car from The Last Starfighter...

I’d rather having a bruise racing stripe than a fatality after ejection. Your post should read person not dead because safety system worked as designed. 

Should have gone with the steak...

If only there is a Honda version of this, it would fit right in.

Not personally, no, but on mine the paint is a little thicker on the right front fender, which I find tends to wear on the suspension more than I’d like. I can feel it under especially hard braking. 

I don’t know about your experience, but I have always found that the embossed F40 logo upsets the airflow when addressing a fast sweeper, left more than right somehow. Although it could just be a tyre pressure issue.

This is Jason we’re talking about. Puttering along at 35mph in the slow lane behind the wheel of some weird, spartan little vehicle is his fetish.