10/10 Would watch!
10/10 Would watch!
She is the only candidate out of that national clusterfuck who is being asked to take a seat (because, lady). Her staunch refusal to take said seat makes me like her even more. No Fucks Hillary and No Fucks Obama should make a buddy-cop show.
I don’t think that anyone of any gender could build the resume and national name recognition that would allow them to seek the office without a fairly serious level of self-confidence (to put it positively) or arrogance (to put it negatively.) To believe that you are the best person to be one of the most powerful…
I think that I will feel shame for being an American until the day that I die over this Presidency. I voted blue in a purple state, so I did my part to try to avert the crisis, but I still feel ill every time that I think of him in the White House. I really did think that the W presidency was the worst that I would…
Be advised I just reported Trump’s twitter threat against Secretary Clinton to the Washington DC office of the FBI at 202 324-3000. Call now. He is an antisocial mentally ill sociopath.
but remember that time Kathy Griffin was mean to him?
This is why I was so fucking pissed at liberals that did that thing that liberals love to do; get on their sanctimonious high horse and bash Kathy Griffin for that photo shoot so they could show how “above it all” and virtuous they are.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Her estimation that half of his supporters were deplorable was pretty damn kind, and she knew it.
This is the president, y’all. THE PRESIDENT. OF THE COUNTRY. THE ONE WE LIVE IN.
Anyone who is unwilling or unable to see the role that garden variety misogyny played in this past election and in 2008 is a fucking fool.
This asshole is a thug and a bully who has learned to throw his morbidly high weight around all of his life because it’s worked for him.
I am LOVING The Hillary book and tour. Sadly the book event was sold out in my city (and it is on my birthday so that made me extra sad). But I honestly LOVE when women get to that age and stage in their careers when they don’t give a fuck and say whatever they think. THEN it’s when we get the most wisdom from women,…
Yeah, sexism didn’t play a role at all. This is disgusting. He’s disgusting.
Because he is a garbage person who thinks garbage things and has the sensitivity level of a toddler with a diarrhea-filled diaper.
yeah, go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself.
Men will never understand what it feels like to be prey all the time. To have to give sex in order to avoid being assaulted. This is my twenties in a nutshell.
Excellent video!
I feel this is obligatory at this point:
Thank you so much for writing this piece. It helped me feel less alone after several months of having my boundaries pushed and becoming really mindfucked by the whole situation. I, too, felt like I was alone and if I were a strong woman I could better stick to my boundaries. I’m wondering if you are aware of resources…