
Her politics are kindof . . . not great. She spent forever complaining about Corbyn, and when asked what policies of his she objected to she always deflected to “he’s unelectable and I want Labour to do better”. And then during the last U.K. election when Labour started surging upwards she suddenly went entirely quiet

Years ago, all of my friends were reading some YA novel about a wizard school for some reason. I gave it a shot to see what it was about; it was atrocious. I tried reading the second novel too (which had just come out at the time, IIRC), and her writing hadn’t improved at all. So I shook my head dismissively, content

I really dig JK Rowling as a person, primarily for how much she loves to fuck with shitty people on the Internet. But the Harry Potter series just does nothing for me, and it never has. Probably because I’m old & already dead inside.

Happy Potter was an easy read and concepts were not very deep. It had a bigger group of people that could access it. Much like how Dan Brown convinced millions they were reading a clever mystery with his Davinci Code, Harry Potter convinced millions of parents that they reading deep fantasy that their children were

One of the defining conflicts of the ancient world was #teamodysseus and #teamgilgamesh.

Counterpoint: Everyone mentioned in this article should get off my lawn.

The religious con and the patriotic con are the most widely used and the most successful, because the marks come through the door ready to believe, and anyone who doesn’t believe is Satan or a Commie.

The number one reason we have Trump is because 63 million dumbasses voted for him. Priorities, please.

Trump won Wisconsin, which hadn’t gone red in a presidential race in more than 30 years, by some 28,000 votes

Somehow, dumping on Clinton 10 months after the election is equally unappealing from Splinter as it is from Fox.

Or maybe, just maybe, the entire world functions like that and your parents just did a shit job of emotionally educating you.

Spoiler: The above is true.

She claimed Hillary called black children “super-predators”, which is a lie. Hillary called hardcore criminals that terrorized black communities super-predators, and was praised for it at the time by prominent leaders of the black community.

And Trump grabbing his dick and threatening WW3 is better?

Hi Crystal,

Vin, your assessment is spot on correct, and you said it in so many less words than “the professor”, who sounds like a disgruntled Jill Stein supporter. She claimed Hillary called black children “super-predators”, which is a lie. Hillary called hardcore criminals that terrorized black communities super-predators,

Nah, disagree. I’m not comforted by having to check for racist rallies in addition to checking the weekend weather before making plans. I don’t like that these assholes feel emboldened enough to disrupt my life and lives of others outside of internet forums.

The majority of straight white men who voted, voted for Trump. Around 67%, I believe. That’s not a fringe, that’s a fucking majority. And all those people were OK with voting for a man who was explicitly racist throughout his campaign and was praised and endorsed by David fucking Duke.

This Kathy Griffin situation has had me seething and is a prime example of why I’m hesitant to identify as a liberal/Democrat despite my politics aligning with them.

I should not feel hostile to these folks but it is typical of Conservative Christians. When as issue affects them personally, THEN they discover their empathy & sense of equality. I’m glad they’ve opened their hearts to their loved ones. Lord knows many parents will still reject their own children, but to be oblivious