
Not just the arsenal, but the safe containment and disposal of several million gallons of liquid nuclear waste and several tons of solid nuclear waste. All of which has a half-life of at least 10,000 years. Yet here he is, yelling at clouds about queers. We are fucking doomed.

So Rick Perry could be spending his time whining about the fact that a gay person won a college election, or managing the nation’s nuclear arsenal? I’m honestly having a hard time deciding which would be worse.

disqualified following rumors of intimidation tactics and a failure to disclose financial information

It... it truly amazes me how people will go out of their way to demonize dead black people who were murdered by white people. Remember Mike Brown? The NYT said he “was no angel” as if his murder was justified. WTF.

Nah, a woman he admired from afar... I mean stalked... didn’t realize they were meant to be together and “betrayed” him by dating a black man.

When will the moderate white people stand up and police their terrorists?

Wanna bet an ex left him for a black dude somewhere along the line? Or he’s got a massive inferiority complex about a tiny penis?

The New York Daily News reports that he also has ties to a “known hate group,” though police declined to identify the group in question.

BTW, The Root offered a bit more context as it relates to the motives I was kind of surprised not posted, here.

Oh, Geez. Why can’t these danged white supremacists stab each other? They certainly argue a lot, as we saw during the Malheur occupation. It’s not too much to ask them to escalate just a wee bit, is it?

Caughman, who was 66, lived in a transitional home and, “according to his Twitter page, he was an autograph collector and a music and movie lover who tweeted about John Lennon, Chuck Berry and the best St. Patrick’s Day writing. He said he’d like to visit California someday,” the AP reports.

Timothy Caughman was murdered because he was Black and yet the media still paints him as the problem. Here’s how the Daily News reported this:

Well, come on. Can we really take one of those vagina havers seriously? How do you know she just wasn’t on the rag when she said that? Better to wait for a man to corroborate while OUR MOTHERFUCKING DEMOCRACY BURNS DOWN

Also a friendly reminder they never leaked anything against her of consequence. Things were so messed up, just leaking nothing was damaging to Hillary.

This man is painfully dumb. I had no idea who he was until recently, and now I’m sad that I’ve been introduced to him. How in the actual fuck did Paul Ryan think this dude was a good job to lead the House Intel. Committee?

makes damn sense to me.

all of my feelings in gifs

Good. This should go down as the biggest political scandal in US history.