
You would wish those hackers who go around finding nude pics of celebs would instead put their minds into uncovering political corruption instead.


Just let that sink in.

I can’t believe these buffoons managed to get that shitstain elected. Idiots, top to bottom.

I’m pretty sure Chancellor Merkel was thinking the same thing.

Honestly this is the only piece of media that will be relevant from here on out regarding Ivanka. Pretty much the only thing that will ever need to be said about her, no matter what she does in the future.

Read it. Didn’t change a thing, ya know I’m not normally a violent woman but dammit there’s just something about her face... must be the treason.

Well, the Chelsea did live in the WH when Bill was president. /s

I haven’t read the article yet I just wanted to say that in over 30 years I have never felt the urge to clam slam another woman...

Don’t you ever underestimate a Trump supporter’s ability to squeeze “But Clinton...” into any conversation, about literally any topic.

Wendi Deng might be an actual super-villain.

Finally, a Trump story that his supporters can’t “But Clinton...” because they would lose their damn minds if Chelsea did this.

Unfortunately Republicans are too busy investigating the leaks rather know..very possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Never forget: Ivanka is the bag man for the Trump crime family.

Jesus, this family has no understanding of optics. You sure this is a good time for Ivanka to move into an unpaid, off the grid WH gig as her dad approaches his impeachment hearings? Fucking idiots, the whole lot.

Great, another fraudulent Trump in the WH. Remember when she was “the voice of moderation”, the one person he’d listen to, the “sensible” one who’d rein in daddy’s worst tendencies? Yeah, about was all fucking horseshit. She sits there doing a more subtle version of daddy’s act, always with the hands and the

Far-right commentator Tomi Lahren, who recently said on The View that her preference for “limited government” extended to abortion—“stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body as well”—has reportedly been suspended from The Blaze after a huge conservative backlash and a public hammering from her boss Glenn

I wanted to slam my head against the wall the last time I tried to explain this to a trump supporter.