
Gamers are so coddled these days. Why, back in my youth, moons threatened all life as we know it, FALLING FROM THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES!

This is the new culture. Every console launch from the Switch on will be judged as terrible.

On social media Ivanka has a huge following of middle and low class white moms, gun nuts, hunters, white sorority sisters, and self-proclaimed white supremacists. They leave her messages telling her she’s beautiful, telling her she’s a wonderful role model for women and especially moms, thanking her for bringing class

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PFT made some excellent points, but here’s the gist;

Even the Joker hates Nazis, kids!

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

He’s been making some right-wing rants on his twitter page regarding the women’s march, BLM, and feminism in general. He’s also done an article for the right-wing propoganda website Breitbart about “SJWs”.

The fact that there’s a long article about “youtube stars” and “outrage over lack of outrage.” Kids today. Here’s me.

There’s this weird part of our culture that treats someone calling another person racist/homophobic/antisemitic/etc as worse than actually doing something racist/homophobic/antisemitic/etc. Also admitting you screwed up and did something wrong is worse than whatever you did wrong to start with.

Exactly. I don’t want to say “This is some wipeepo shit”, but i’ve noticed that I can have frank, uncomfortable conversations with shit I do with a lot of my friends, but if they were raised a certain way, or come from a certain place in their lives, they do not want to be called out at all, and it baffles me.

Yes. Baby Boomers, our POTUS included, who have embraced the internet in this age of wireless devices suddenly find themselves sitting around, retired, not playing shuffleboard or some other hobby, and have become trolls. Only they don’t know how to troll since they haven’t been using the internet since it became a

The JonTron’s of the world are what you get when you don’t allow criticism of the PewDiePie’s of the world.

Any time is a good time to say “fuck Sargon”. But mainly because he’s convinced that Pewdiepie did nothing wrong and shouldn’t have to apologize for his recklessness. Also, Sargon is currently tying himself in knots defending Milo, so fuck that guy.

I’ve made my feelings on Pewd’s earlier jokes (the bits that got him into hot water, anyhow) abundantly clear, so I’ll leave that alone for now.

What I will say about this current kerfuffle is this: If you truly believe that your friends have to back you, 100% of the time, irrespective of whether you happen to be right

Pewds isn’t a bad person, but did do something wrong - didn’t work on his bit. YouTube enablers are babies. JackSepticEye and Casey Neistat are adults. Time to grow up, YouTube.

Fuck Sargon.

The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.