This is fucking outrageous.
Fuck disciplinary action, these fuckers should be fired and nothing less.
A Muslim NYPD officer has filed a lawsuit against her colleagues after they allegedly tried to pull her hijab from…
This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!
The San Antonio Spurs are putting together another excellent season that is flying completely under the radar. Spurs…
Why wouldn’t you just goose-step all the way home like all the other nazis?
Ah yes, liberal darling Uber, the company that actively pits their drivers against each other, whose leadership openly brags about wanting to start a technocrat meritocracy, the company that actively fights unionization and any form of workers rights (including desperately clinging to their classification as…
What Uber needs to realize is that, for many people, this little incident was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been looking for an excuse (shady business practices, screwing over drivers, ignoring regulations) and this just put me - and I suspect many others - over the edge.
I realize this isn’t uncommon, but it really pisses me off...My state rep regularly bans any dissenting voice, even if polite, from commenting on his facebook page. The result is just an echo-chamber of derp.
Yup. Everyday I just get angrier. Honestly I would not give a flying fuck if congress was stormed by angry constituents. And now I’m on a watch list (lol who I am kidding, I’ve been on some watchlist for at least a year now!)
Our votes don’t count for anything because of the Electoral College system and the US House gerrymandering requiring many more Democratic votes that still secure a Republican House, and now we aren’t even able to speak to our “representatives” staffs. I know we aren’t the assholes who invoke “the Founders” and…
As somebody who had to terminate around 20 weeks due to fetal abnormalities inconsistent with life, FUCK YOU, ARKANSAS.
Fun fact: In the United States there have been more armed attacks by right-wing extremists in the 15 years since 9/11 than there have been by Muslims.
Last year during Black history month, we had this
Millions voted because they were/are die-hard Republicans who would follow any Republican off the cliff. And Millions voted for him because they are bigots.
That’s a great quote. I wish George was around for this (for our sake, not his). I definitely always knew there were stupid, ignorant, racist fucks out there, just not that there were so many. And they’re just coming out of the woodwork now that Trump has made it acceptable.
Does anyone else take a periodic break from the news? I don’t want to bury my head in the sand, but each one of these stories (ranging from him being an insensitive moron to committing absolute atrocities) makes my brain hurt more and more. How did this ever happen? How did 63 million people vote for this 70 year old…