Or maybe you’re just a susceptible douche and bought into bullshit propaganda?
Or maybe you’re just a susceptible douche and bought into bullshit propaganda?
People did show up to vote though, so enough with the tired should’ve-fought-harder mentality. She had the third highest turnout (number of votes cast) of any primary candidate ever. The first two highest turnouts are held by Obama.
I remember hearing the same thing from the last time Hillary Clinton lost an election. America would never vote for a black guy with a weird foreign sounding name.
That horse you’re flogging...it’s dead, no?
The overall Republican silence regarding all of this is deafening.
Gee Willakers. I just got whiplash from that deflection.
Oh please. They are a bunch of whiners who should take responsibility for their lot. They are under-educated because they like it that way. They’ve voted against their interests for decades because they like it that way. And we’re supposed to coddle those idiots? No. I honestly have no sympathy for them. I’ll save it…
You can shut the fuck up right now, you traitorous GOP apologist.
Then why are you diverting the blame from him, like a battered wife apologizing for her husband? He signed the order. He is the one to blame. Period.
I choose the answer of what the actual fuck, dude, because what the actual fuck, dude?!
Oh, stop. No Democrat, candidate or otherwise, put the pen in Trump’s hand and made him sign the order. Quit apologizing for him, which is what you’re doing.
Where the fuck does this figure into anything?
People who have lived in the US for years, who have studied & worked here and have families, have been denied re-entry into the country. People with proper green cards have been denied re-entry. Families in places like Yemen, who have lost their homes to US-backed Saudi bombing, are denied entry. People who risked…
Keep telling yourself she was the wrong candidate for the job while the flesh is melting off your face.
I know this is not entertainment news but the three Syrian families our mosque sponsored will not be coming to America as a result of the ban. They sold all their belongings, went through two years of grueling interviews and background checks and were at the airport in Istanbul Ataturk airport with their luggage and…
The last time Ed Sheeran claimed he wasn’t popular in high school someone from his school in the comments replied “If by not popular he means that he had loads of friends, was well liked and dated frequently, and was invited to all of the parties thrown by the kids who were popular then yes. I guess he was unpopular.”
I was drugged in college and the last thing I remember is my friend screaming at the guys following us to leave us alone before totally blacking out. After two beers. The photos from the night are not things I remember doing. Being fully clothed and speaking coherent sentences doesn’t mean she wasn’t drugged.