
Yeah, what the *fuck* Aimee and/or Jezebel???

Holy shit this made me laugh way too hard. Thanks for that. Saving for whenever I need to bust it out.

Thanks for making me laugh today. I make it a point to tell people that these days... so few and far between, you know. So thanks. :)


Little bit of column A, little bit of column—

Because they have their man in the White House.


Trying to imagine an alternate reality in which someone would have to call the Aussie PM to clean up a Hillary phone call faux pas.

It’s hard to hold onto optimism, especially since election night. But we try and we keep going.

My real question is who the hell’s been calling TSwift a feminist???

Because of the election, I think that my cynicism of Americans and human stupidity in general (started early at 17 and grew more cynical at the “ripe” age of 25) has been totally justified.

That’s what you fucking get when you cherry pick your candidate’s bullshit.

I actually like to use “wypipo” instead of white people just because it’s faster and it’s cool to have a language poc and white allies can instantly recognize. :)

The Booker pharma stuff is more nuanced than Bernouts would have you believe, though I see that since they lost their minds over this, others have picked up on it too. Please don’t buy it, this is exactly the kind of shit they’re doing to destabilize the Dems. I’m posting this here for others, too:

I should’ve voted for Stein. Maybe if enough people stopped voting for shitty candidates, they’d stop forcing them on us.

You’re only televising to everybody you’re a moron...

Yeah I noticed it too and did a double-take...


Those people *want* to be the image he’s created for himself.

Well, we can start our version of Prague’s defenestration...? Instead of throwing politicians out of windows, it’s off the stairs.