I would just post pictures of middle fingers. :/ Can’t repair communications with people who don’t want it.
I would just post pictures of middle fingers. :/ Can’t repair communications with people who don’t want it.
Stairs, do the lord’s work!
I’m writing a YA series about a girl who learns how to pilot a giant organic mecha, goes to a school for it and makes friends blahblah ya-shenanigans (while being inclusive and avoiding ya-tropes I’m sick of seeing) where strange things happen in the woods, but she doesn’t realize she’s just one small peg in the Big…
Where’s Spencer? I need to punch someone.
The GOP hated that a black man rose to the White House. The GOP hated that a woman wanted to do the same.
They’ve become a cult. People who manage to wake up with some perspective are bewildered to find themselves in one.
Chinese and North Korean leaders are probably toasting on a weekly basis (not saying together, exactly, just toasting).
*takes a deep breath*
Let’s crack him like an egg with our tweets. As I’ve said elsewhere, we have never had a president with whom we could actually use our “hash-tag-activism” against somewhat effectively.
I’m of the opinion that little acts as this, while basically decent and wonderful, simply can’t make a vote for the antithesis of that little act a-okay.
It may have been vicious between Hillary and Obama—they usually are and will always be that way—you know what they did well?
I’m one of those 20somethings but I grew up during the Bush years and *remember* the feeling in the air of something changing on 9/11.
“let’s move on”
Bernie pushed me the fuck away early when I was deciding who to choose. I thought he was okay but then he just went on like a broken record with his trickle-down social justice and I realized he was going to dupe a lot of wypipo and hurt us all for the sake of his ego (he wanted to be the Revolution so, so much). He’s…
Agreed. I’ve been feeling cynical but the evidence continues to pile up that liberals like to *rebel* more than they like to come out in full force and stop the other side from becoming a major threat (*cough*our typical turnout is abysmal*cough*).
I’m certain she could’ve stubbed her toe and gotten her nice dress dirty and still find a way to blame the other side.
They’ll never blame themselves for anything. I’ve never seen a bunch of thin-skinned, whiney, lazy babies as them. But that’s what privilege does.
Nah, pretty sure they accost you because you’re a Trump-apologist.
even though I’m a white male
Get outta here with that false equivalence bullshit.