Philosophy Cat

Yep. Boobs get bigger as you age as in your early 20's the breast tissue is more dense and firm but then as you get older it becomes more fatty so bigger boobs. I was a B cup in my 20's and now a large C or small D cup. I'm in my 4o's. Mine have stopped changing shape and size and so happy about that as I'm really

Introvert here and very far on the introversion when I did the Myers-Briggs. Introvert are those that recharge by being alone while extroverts recharge by being around people. I like people but just find it draining after awhile and need to have significant alone time otherwise I get really bitchy as it takes lots

Grudek should be questioning why there isn't a focus on treatment and punishment for male batterers as they will just continue in their behaviours unless they are held accountable for court mandated domestic violence treatment programs (not anger management as these men can keep it together enough to not get violent

Molly: I've developed a gym phobia lately. I use to go and feel fairly comfortable but so far I've book orientation 2x's. Cancelled once and then just didn't show for the 2nd attempt. At least you are exercising as it is a start and I am having problems even beginning. I know how disheartening it is to do the

Start looking. Same happened with me but I kept getting promises to be advanced. Missed out on two promotions, excellent job evaluations, and then they hired someone with much less experience and education and from the outside. I looked and went somewhere else. Much happier.

Sending you hugs and good thoughts!!!

Hi Sydney. I would suggest you take several workshops on some basic counselling skills and risk management as part of professional development. Also, focus on building rapport is helpful as well as there are some techniques and strategies to do this. I won't get into them as they are fairly detailed and rather

A Jezzie needs to contact him to let him know of this thread.

There's lots of anti-anxiety medications out there that aren't addictive such as SSRIs that are used mostly for depression but also can be used for anxiety. Make sure to explore those ones rather than the quick acting ones that last for only a very short period of time as those are addictive (i.e. Ativan - works

Still makes it wrong and the more towns do this, it sets a legal precedent for others to do the same. Municipal governments in Canada have passed all sorts of laws that are unconsitutional but unless they are challenged in the Supreme Court then they stand as is. How many people have the money to hire a lawyer to

You are making the assumption that the person is using it with a partner.

I miss peanut butter. I developed an allergy to it in my 30's.

No idea. Football isn't really that popular in my country.

Zeus is freak'in adorable!! Is he wearing a bow-tie? Or is that his markings?

Also, it's really irresponsible to let one's cats wander around outside as they can de-populate the local birds really quickly and risk of getting hurt by other animals and cars as well. Indoor cats live longer lives as average life span for an outside cat is about 8 years while indoors are 12 years+. I have two cats

Some of the smaller non-profits like women's transition houses/dv shelters have staff that will pick up clothing and other donations. You'll have to phone around to find them.

Click above on my posting in red but you are forewarned!!!

One more. Mutant red pepper with seeds and a baby red pepper fetus.

Dear God!!! I click and now regret. Not sure how I will ever eat fish again. Those teeth!!!