Philosophy Cat

Ideal situation would be to place the child with relatives and that is what child protection agencies attempt first as foster homes are a limited resource.

Congratulations on having 8 years clean time. Keep up the great work!!!!

Highly unlikely that a methadone clinic would provide her with a dosage that would give her the nods. Methadone would be used so that she doesn't experience physical withdrawal symptoms. There is the off chance that the clinic provides her with a weeks carry supply and she took more than her daily dosage but most

Look up that definition as you are using it inappropriately.

I do this all the time by saying "I don't understand what you mean by that", give them a side-eye, and wait expectantly for them to respond. This is followed by uncomfortable silence and then they usually change the topic. The most important step is being able to feel alright during the uncomfortable silence stage

Some info. about mental illness and violence stats. There is lots of research out there indicating that the mentally ill aren't the vast perpetrators of violence against others and that they are more likely to be victims of violence.

Golden Gate park as there are lots of museums in the park and a conservatory. You can spend easily a whole day there also it is right by Haight Ashbery (sp?) district (the original hippie district) and the ocean also butts up against the park. It is one of my favorite cities as there are so many interesting

I've never had that scenario happen to me but I did have an ex that lied repeatedly to me about other women even when I confronted him. He got another woman pregnant and was living with her while he was with me. He worked out of town for a living so it would be normal for me not to see him for weeks on end. I didn't

what a cutie - pie!

Gottman is really up there in the field of psychology. This guy knows his stuff.

You must smell extra nice so your stuff keeps getting jacked by the ladies.

-1C?!!! That sounds balmy as it is -27C here not including windchill.

I work with male nurses and I don't see them as less manly.

I'm mesmorized by this giff.

Well said CA. Some people will abuse whatever is out there but that doesn't mean science should limit their search for better medications. And I'm all over harm-reduction.

Cherry Zero? We don't get that up here. Never even heard of this cherry zero offering. I hope this offering of diet cherry coke also happens in Canada. I feel somewhat neglected and dissed by Coca-Cola.

Umm . . . no. One black woman beating up another black woman and no one intervenes as both black women (all black women) are seen are disposable and not worthy someone's time to call 911. It is seen as a spectical rather than a crime.

Nope as usually it is imminent risk to self or others and mentally ill. She wouldn't fit the criteria as it is a slow death. She will need to decompensate much more to be formed.

That is part of anorexia is the doing it for attention as it give the person a sense of power and control. So yeah, it is an eating disorder as she is purposely starving herself to remain thin. Doesn't mean that her goal is to lose more weight but remain at this extremely thin frame.

Me too. I am really curious about how someone could do that. I like food too much and it is only curiosity.