Philosophy Cat

Not a psychiatrist either but I work in mental health. One can be delusional and still be coherent. Delusional doesn't always equate to having schizophrenia even though delusions/psychosis is a symptom of schizophrenia it is also seen in those who are schizo-affective, manic, brain-injured individuals, and dementia.

Sending you good vibes your way!

Stay away from this guy regardless if he is gay or not. The fact that he can joke about rape is a bad sign as well as not respecting your physical space. Never heard of the rape game but it sounds scary and so does he. You could also enlist your brother for support but only if you think it won't blow up on you.

Continue on but also be aware that you don't know a lot about him having only met once plus divorce is extremely stressful situation which can change in a heartbeat. I met my partner on dating website and he was still in process of getting a divorce (separated for 4 years not living together) but it was contentious

I've been there as well. You could either minimize the contact if it is too emotionally painful to be around him but let them know this is the reason, continue the friendship but somehow be okay with him if he gets into a romantic relationship with someone else which may result in him sharing his feelings he has about

I agree with the other comments as cheating doesn't always have to end up with the relationship ending. People do move beyond the cheating and it seems to me that your partner feels really remorseful, guilty, and taking responsibility for his actions plus he really didn't need to tell you but it was eating away at

My computer froze and couldn't edit but I work with a whole team of nurses. I was going to add too that people have to be extremely smart to be a nurse as things happen quickly in hospitals. I agree with the other commentors who said maybe get into another area of nursing that offers less direct contact to patients

I work with nurses and they are the strongest advocates for their patients to make sure they get the required and proper treatment. It is a profession I would never chose for myself as it is incredibly stressful as nurses have to be extremely meticulous, always ready to be on the go, shift work, and they have one of

Very sound advice! Spent way too much of my misspent youth with men like these while I could have been pursuing more promising relationships.

So been there as well. I found out when the live-in-girlfriend phoned me. They just had a baby together as well. I dumped his ass ASAP.

Is the site no longer running? I used to read it once in awhile.

Because it puts too much pressure on each person in the relationship.

Peds. patients go all the way up to age 17.

I never noticed that Americans wear their outdoor shoes inside. My American relatives are Asian so I grew up with always removing my shoes in peoples' homes and assumed this was the norm for Canadians AND Americans. Seems awful lot of work to have to steam clean carpets and mop the floors down all the time.

Here's an humorous take on deep frying turkey safety basics from my fellow Canadian, Mr. William Shatner.

I'm a Chinese Canadian and I find it offensive as I spent a lot of my youth fending off western men who have that preconceived notion of the submissive oriental woman. Also, some men were really insulted when I declined their advances or spoke up for myself as that didn't fit the stereotype resulting in them being

Fuckfest 2013. I will have to try to work that into one of my convos this week.

The individual wouldn't be reported if they sought out help as preventative measure as they haven't committed a crime. The problem becomes where to find this help as pretty much all programs available (in Canada) at least are for those who have already been charged and convicted. It's such a specialized area of

GPS as it takes away some anxiety if a road is closed there are alternatives roads to take.

Because the boy comes from a place of privilege as his father knows people.