Philosophy Cat

The thing about depression is that it changes how you see yourself, yourself in the world, and the world at large. However, it is treatable which doesn't mean that it will always go in full remission but will notice improvements through medications and counselling. The best combo is both but some choose one or the

Message me if you want to know more about my experiences of being a social worker. I work in as a clinician in mental health and addictions on an outreach team for the public hospital in urban Canada. I've worked with homeless people, families, youth, sex trade workers. Also, I am curious to find out if you got

Drat, can't read today either. Meant GRE.

Oh, my screen name doesn't indicate the love of my profession - was having a bad day when chose my screen name. Ignore my grammatical errors as I've in a bit of a rush. lol.


Oh, just go away troll!!

Same. I don't buy into the "my child is my legacy I'm leaving behind after I die" crap. My work in social justice is my legacy as I had informed one of my friends when she asked about my choice to be child-free.

Totally agree as how many single men do you know would consider taking time off to adopt a child and take paternity leave as it would take a toll on the career and maybe men are still waiting to become partnered up as there is the strong expectation out there that it would be the woman who takes time out of work or

Lots of women put off having children due to financial concerns also. As well, men may not envision themselves being single dads as not too many of them out there while there are lots of stories of single women having children on their own, adopting etc.

Not really. Men have the choice to either become involved with a woman knowing that she is looking for an equal whether intellectually or in ambition. So are you saying then that by not having expectations, this would be better for both sexes? I am reminded of the 70's where parents would praise their children for

I live in Canada and see people all the time who become homeless due to loss of employment as they became ill (physically or mentally or both). Canada has a social net but it isn't all that much. Each province determines the set amount for welfare and types of medication coverage and costs. In my province, welfare


Also, remember that at your age (and those even older), the search for meaning in one's life is absolutely normal part of transitioning through various stages and ages. I encourage you to see your G.P. to rule out any medical conditions that might be colouring your mood. Untreated medical conditions can also cause
