For whatever it’s worth, I think *ping* is the new *WHOMP*.
For whatever it’s worth, I think *ping* is the new *WHOMP*.
Had the same thought, unfortunately. Whatever the cause, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.
Agreed. I never took issue with subsistence hunting. I didn’t think that’s what TheNobleHouse was talking about when he referred to “real hunters.”
On what grounds do they find it morally reprehensible?
First, I didn’t say anything about family-run businesses. I was talking about small businesses that are run by their owners.
Gotcha. Thanks.
Thanks. Your explantation makes sense, even if it’s not the exact system I’d design if I were making the rules.
Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense, although if I were fan, I think it might rub me the wrong way. You make a good analogy about the Steeler’s winning as a 6 seed, but at least the 1 seed gets a bye and home field advantage. It sounds like in NASCAR, a season of good results gets entirely wiped away, which feels…
I know next to nothing about NASCAR and am hoping somebody can help me out . . .
This was PSV, not PSG.
Besides owner-run, small businesses, are there really “companies that care about employees?”
For the sake of comparison:
I’d watch. Every game is guaranteed to be a heart stopper.
Yup. Give every wannabe-Senna on this site a supercar and within the first week, we’d have enough crash videos to last a year.
Agreed 100%.
Because many (most?) Jalopnik commenters are both convinced they’re the world’s best driver and also unable to afford a really nice car. When accidents like these happen, it validates them on a number of levels, and they are thus amused.
“Help me guys, I’m not good.”
Doctor: Take three of these now, three more before bed, and call me in the morning.
It would be the greatest Depression you’ve ever seen. A very classy, uge Depression.
I know people are surprised and alarmed, but his hand is actually the opposite of a Shocker.