In what world does a 61% probability = “Already nearly certain?”
In what world does a 61% probability = “Already nearly certain?”
I was talking about how fans turned against him. Part of it is that he’s not producing, but it seems naive to ignore that black QB’s are held to a different standard than white ones.
Gotcha. Yeah, it’s the “fair market value” part that I struggle with when I try to think of solutions. I do believe (at least in theory) that athletes should be paid a fair market value, and while it’s easy to see that the QB at Big State U is worth a lot of money, how much revenue does the second string kicker really…
Nice dodge.
Did you mean to reply to somebody else, because what you wrote starts with the word ”but” and then goes on to agree with and/or repeat everything I wrote.
Are you saying you believe race has nothing to do with it?
God, if that were true, Darren Rovell (if that’s really his name) would instantly become my favorite person.
To fill in this much blank, we’re going to need a bigger backhoe.
That’s fair. I’m not doubting your perspective but I’d be curious if had an examples of stuff he’s said. I’m only a casual fan at best, so I’m out of touch with most off-field stuff.
Yeah, I don’t get it at all.
Probably not until Week 2 . . . Week 2 . . . Week 2.
I’m watching boxing right now, which I don’t often do. I’m finding it exhilarating, but man is it brutal to watch. It’s tough to reconcile that.
Hey, be nice. She looks amazing for 38.
We’re celebrating Michael Jackson?
Fellow Boulderite here (though not alum) and I like your style. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why CU can’t build a top-notch athletic program.
Yes. You can tell because he told us in hushed tones “This is your game, right here” on three different plays.
But besides incidentals, all that “extra” cash is going back to the school for housing, books and food. I suppose they have the option use the money to eat off campus, but their scholarship isn’t enough for them to actually feed themselves for a whole semester if they made that choice.
I wasn’t advocating any solution, I was just disagreeing with the author’s premise that students are currently being “paid.”. But, to your question about cash payments vs. scholarships, it’s a moot point since $50K in cash costs that school exactly that much, while a $50K scholarship probably costs a school $10K at…
Different sport, but take comfort in knowing the Knicks also have your back.