
I would think it’s a combination of factors. SF not too long ago was a genre that not a lot of females journeyed into as readers. That thankfully isn’t as much the case today. I listen to the Sword and Laser podcast and participate in their group on Goodreads. There are a good number of women that are in there.

You win the award for most hilariously sad attempt at language policing! please wise English Major sage, on your next break from making $8.25 can you tell is all the correct word?

Time for the English Lit majors to show us all who’s boss! How's the job at Barnes & Noble treating you BTW?

You may know about—but in case not:
A few years ago the husband of an academic poet started an anonymous blog blowing the whistle on certain prestigious poetry prizes being crocks. The gist of it was that the organizers cynically solicited paying entries from those who didn’t stand a chance, and had their

Personal opinion that poetry is way overrated confirmed.