do you mean jurassic world?
I saw that when it came out, then again relatively recently (1-2 years.) really liked seeing the city the way it was back then. also, i recall there was a scene with people smoking in a hospital, which i always enjoy.
i saw ziggy marley open for the b52s, or maybe the other way round. either way, we got there late and left early. so i saw part of each act. not the best concert experience ever.
I watched Mississippi Grind starring ryan reynolds and bendelsohn. on a scale of 37-68, i'd give it a C. it's listed as a a comedy drama, but it wasn't funny enough to be a comedy or dramatic enough to be a drama. it was almost as if they didn't want to come down one way or the other on whether degenerate…
I'm sorry, I don't consider the guy who did the Spiderman comics a serious writer.
this was a lot better than jupiter ascending, which i didn't hate.
you're the most boring movie of 2017
if the sun is hot, why is space cold?
It's not a "train wreck." it might be a bomb, because people are stupid and like stupid movies, all the while complaining about the same stupid movies they support and wondering why people don't make movies exactly like valerian, and then don't go see it when they do.
I thought it was great. i'd rather see this than so many other things, such as
i heard a theory that the drugged out girl in the suburbs and the little boy who sees the car before it blows up real good are actually mrs. tremond/chalfont and her grandson, in a different guise.
just fyi, no twins, three brothers: jean (oldest,) jacques and bernard (youngest.)
your mom
so were hitchcock's and we all know about him.
something vague, similar to philip's description probably
has anyone else theorized the piano player is catherine martell in a fatsuit disguise?
have you followed any stories about law enforcement in say the past decade? up to and including the fbi and secret service, a lot of members aren't exactly distinguishing themselves with their behavior. believing some would have poor trigger discipline isn't exactly outside the realm.