
the point is that lynch is the real person creating the characters and his problematic relationship with his female characters goes well beyond any one in particular. people's opinions on this didn't go up in smoke because they might have been mistaken about this particular character's fate.

that's not the point, is it?

because beating a woman, leaving her in a pool of her own blood and trying to blow her up isn't misogynistic if your scheme fails. oh, ok.

i think the maggie scene was just showing that in a small town, when something happens, everyone calls it in.

sure, now cherry pie makes all the sense in the world, but there was just as much chance he looks in the box and gets sucked into it ala the box in mulholland dr.


the most exciting pop culture thing this week was getting tickets to see Poppy in november. excited!

jon spaihts (prometheus, passengers, the mummy (2017)) is a bad writer.

I watched Top Gun for the first time. i remember at the time, and they talk about it on the commentary track, how the critics savaged this movie even though audiences loved it. the critics were right. this is a pos. sure i like cruise now, but this is cruise at his smarmiest and reminds me how anyone could have

i have 3 rat pack concerts in the collection. all great.

a one night stand where the dude loses his virginity to a hooker by prematurely ejaculating. it's an awful song and you were very right in banning it.

don't listen to this review. this is a funny, charming movie. and it directly address any "problematic" issues the review raises in the film.

after not wanting to see anything in the cinema last week, having come to terms with the fact that i actually don't like these apes movies, there are 3 features i'd like to see this week: dunkirk, valerian and girls trip. i'm usually not big on movie comedies, but girls trip had a funny trailer and it's getting

just fyi since it's kind of confusing, dunkirk is in imax and it's in 70mm and it's in imax 70mm. but that last one, imax 70mm, which is nolan's preferred version, is only available in 30 theaters in the enitire usa. so i have the choice of a 15 min drive to see it in (plain) 70mm or a 45-60 min drive to see it

this is not how i listen to or enjoy music.

they can make this show right after they make a show about white people as slaves and black people as the masters. i mean, i've seen lot's of "what if the south won the civil war" stuff before, but i've never seen white slaves/black masters. do something original for a change.

I saw this in tweet form and thought, "thank you." so, thank you.

I need to rant about this and this is as good a place as any.

not according to u.s. dept. of energy secretary rick perry: “Here’s a little economics lesson: supply and demand,” Perry said at the Longview Power Plant. “You put the supply out there and demand will follow.”

I always liked in david foster wallace interviews when they'd ask him what infinite jest was about and he'd be like, yeah, i needed 1000 pages to talk about what's it about so it's kind of hard to distill it down to a few sentences. that's not what he said, really, but it's kind of the gist.