
things about restaurants/bars always get a ton of comments, esp. wrt things like tipping and how servers want customers to behave.

yeah he won't even include chapters on his dvds, he's not editing scenes back into completed work.

it wasn't always so. for a good history of lobster in america, i'd recommend david foster wallace's consider the lobster

tbh, lobster is kind of tasteless on it's own. it's got a pretty good texture, but not much in the flavor department.

pretty much the same sitch for me but it wasn't the morning so they probably didn't have the hangover excuse, they were just a-holes.

I agree for the most part. but one time, we went to this relatively fancy restaurant on mother's day. and the kids acted like kids. and some of the patrons seemed annoyed. but it was mother's day. how can you expect to eat out anywhere on mother's day and not expect kids?

will all due respect, it's a fallacy that one needs "fresh greens and organic fruit" in order to not be obese. canned greens and conventionally grown fruit will do just as well in terms of weight.

you know what i think would be a legit article to write? "is childhood obesity child abuse?" i happen to think it is, in the majority of cases, absent some underlying health issue. and i'm talking about little kids, kids too young to blame for their own problem since they don't have individual personal access

but putting lobster in mac n cheese is a waste of perfectly good lobster.

I don’t believe either is true.

I used to sit in borders books for hours and read. one day i forgot my headphones and they were playing C+CITBY and it literally drove me out the store, that's how much i hated that record. diff'rent strokes, obviously.

got it from your clue and a tiny google

I read the book of Let The Right One In and i liked it enough that it made me not want to see either film, oddly.

For someone who says that I want to feel better, I sure don't seem to want to put in the effort.

is it just me being an a-hole or is anyone else really annoyed when this feature recommends films to watch this weekend that the majority of the readership simply cannot see? i mean, i've been trying to find out how many screens Lady Macbeth is showing on and have been unsuccessful, but i'm betting it's a very

I'll recommend the movie The Final Girls from 2015. it's a meta-horror comedy. so it's not breaking any new ground, but they handle the concept well and it has a very winning cast. and it's got heart, which is what put it over the top for me. tucker and dale or a cabin in the woods might be objectively better

tyler perry as madea as the doctor.

the digit-mangling potential of a garbage disposal.

my favorite take on the trope

"When the music ends, the blood price is paid."