
Yup. Shut it down. Humanity had a good run.

Fielder couldn’t be much slower without becoming inantimate.

Yeah, in the Petty clip Prince just looks bored for the first bit, while the other lead guy is playing basic bitch blues lick and making cringe-worthy O-faces. I imagine Prince thinking, “dude, step aside while I melt your face off.”

You’re forgetting that they want the games to run roughly consecutively because that maximizes commercial time. People toggling back and forth, or DVRing and watching them more quickly does the exact opposite. You’d think that the companies buying the ad time would question whether it’s worth it when the games are on

In my group of friends I’m usually the highest earner. I’m an attorney, they’re mostly in the arts. I’ll buy drinks but we split dinner checks. I think picking up checks would be insulting. Hey, I’m the rich guy and you’re poor so let me get this.

It’s not even that he isn’t good, he’s and absolutely horrible broadcaster. he shouldn’t have the job in the first place but ESPN is a bunch of jock-sniffers who believe that only “those who’ve played the game” can explain its intricacies to us poor slobs.

It’s a good way to suss out the douchebags who pay a ton of money to sit in the first row but don’t actually know anything about baseball . . . and bring a glove to a baseball game. Ouch. Embarrassment was earned and deserved.