
That's the impression I'm getting. I think that business tycoon guy and Woody seem to be hinting at some Illuminati-level dream control operation going on. Maybe the green sneakers are an offshoot of that.

But aren't the green sneakers the cult that Tess' mom is involved with? At the beginning of episode 5, it was the black lady/cult leader that let her mom see the little boy.

I saw it, and I wonder how they are going to work this out in the next two episodes.

I love this show, but it really should be called "Jake Epping: A Series of Bad Decisions."

Also very true.

On the other hand, he's a man. He may be morally disappointed in Jake, but he probably wouldn't snitch on him for what was probably, in his mind, a one-time thing.

I thought of that, then I figured that I may be tainted by seeing Al's time cancer. It may just be normal cancer.

My take? At school, she's in her element. She's the big fish there, and everyone respects her. Then, she goes out into the world, and out of her neighborhood, and she's reminded that she's a black woman in 1963.

I kept waiting for it to dawn on Bruce, or at least Alfred, that if Galavan were really as altruistic as he claimed, he would have just handed over the evidence and not have used it as bargaining chip to take the kid's company.

I thought this was a great episode, one of the few I've really enjoyed in about three seasons. Everyone did what they do best. Rafi was crudely funny instead of just crude; Taco was … Taco, but in the best way; Pete was an asshole; Kevin was comically inept; even Andre didn't annoy me that much. The best part? Instead

I'd like to think an experienced Evo like the Haitian could get the drop on a rookie like Phoebe. If not, the gun WOULD come in handy.

Isn't one of the Haitian's powers that he nullifies other evos just by being in the room with them?


I decided that Norrie must have made a Big Jim-esque demand that she be allowed to enlist, under an assumed name, of course.

I consider Katya ending up on this team a blessing in disguise. While she would have stood out on any team with that performance, being on a crap team made her shine even more.

It WAS amazing. If you're ever in a country that won't be featured on "Locked Up Abroad," I highly recommend it.


That was my take. After the first episode, I thought that although she didn't have youth or fashion on her side, her upbeat personality would carry her at least into the third episode, at which time I would feel bad about her being eliminated. What actually happened was, after watching episodes 2 and 3 and Untucked,

I had to stop the video for a moment after I heard that.

Ahh, I didn't realize that. I didn't find it hard to follow, I just thought it was clever writing.