
I see the guy as the problem because, in this case, he is the problem.

I think you’re being unfair to Molly.

I agree, that much of Issa’s behavior has been bad. But I’m curious, what, exactly, is foul about her boning her neighbor?

It’s not because you’re a gay dude. I’m a hetero, black woman, and I’m baffled.

Re: Removing the collaborators: I think Gus will be the one to make the sacrifice. They keep trying to remind us that he’s part of the fight now, in a way he hasn’t been over the past seasons. And he is the one who started all this by bringing the master’s coffin into Manhattan. Since we’re giving people send-offs,

Wait, huh?

Some thoughts before Kinja ruins our lives:

You mean, Mr. Poopy Butthole?

Seriously. It's like they WANT us to hate him.

I don't doubt the viewer demand. Many people grew up on that show and thought it was fucked up that it was taken off the air.

It's playing on Bounce TV and also TVOne. TVOne has been having mini-marathons of it lately.

I'm as willing to suspend my disbelief as the next viewer, but did Nygma seriously think Jim Gordon would be able to solve those riddles when the actual geniuses of Gotham couldn't?

Does anyone know where I can watch the UK version of season one? I watched season two on Kodi, but was only able to find the US version of season one.

My favorite reaction was when the new guy showed up and Lucy gave him the "who the fuck is this guy?" once over.


I thought that was Robbie in the hoodie at the end.

I didn't really take that threat seriously. It was pretty clear that her fellow cops were giving her free rein to work on the Deacon, so I took that statement as a scare tactic to make him talk.


There's that.

I was thinking along the lines of him taking up the mantle after being groomed by the Deacon.