Got passed quietly...
Got passed quietly...
We really need to define what a sport is.
Cowgirls suck. Yes i’m a hater.
Couldn’t have said it better.
Uncle Rico?
As a Philly fan 4/4 I like Mike Scott more now.
IDK ask the Clintons.
Looking forward to Season 2. Loved the first season!
Politics needs to stay out of sports. We watch sports for entertainment purposes.
SMH 8.2 on IMDB? Wowsers.
Airline should be charged with animal neglect and abuse.
Basically sums up on being a parent.
This should speak towards any team not investing in protecting their QB. Bottom line.
Nutella sucks.
I played with lead painted toys.... stop complaining. But seriously, spend a couple minutes doing research before buying.
I stand by my comment. Was meant more for a laugh but honestly Google sucks.
LOL @ private and Google.
When players act this way MLB should take them to the locker room for a drug test.
We’ll never know the truth.
Why does it matter what order he writes everything down?