
Five stars.

And your legendary coach is college basketball autocracy defined - K is a legend, too, but people DON’T want him to leave. EVERYBODY wants Boeheim to take a hike, but he will die coaching if that’s what it takes.

I’ve been telling folks this when they think “Voter ID = Jim Crow.” Universal ID for state residents when they turn 18, even if it’s not a driver license, is imperative. Can’t start your life without some form of ID. So irrespective of GOP voter suppression via mandated ID, we should be rallying for more comprehensive


Yep! A notably crummy millennial conservative commentator once said “It’s either no identity politics or identity politics for everyone...and white people will win.”

As bullshit as his claims are, he uses it (fairly successfully too!) because even liberal whites think a black spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/sexual partner absolves racism from existing in the aforementioned racist.

But yeah, Oscar Pareja. Latino/not from here (we need more of that), knows the streets (we need more of that), likes youth (we really need more of that)...him and Tab Ramos are a USMNT match in nirvana

In a semi-related note, and kinda underscoring Haisley’s point about U.S. soccer being a “don’t hurt MLS!” circle-jerk, Bruce Arena’s ascension to top dawg in the USMNT for 2018 WCC means...they’re gonna give the Galaxy job, best in American soccer (including the USMNT), to his assistant coach.

Plain and simple: it was angry white populism. Not since Reagan have so many people been successfully sold on the purported return of American greatness in the same towns the “liberal elite” and blogs like these love to gleefully mock.

Always interesting for Deadspin, which spent many ounces of words on this site ragging on Simmons and Grantland, to admit at day’s end there was a lot of gold in that coal mine. Lowe is up there IMO.

Simple: the majority thinks politicians suck nowadays. As they tell us in marketing, the customer is always right. I like Clinton (rare stuff!), but she’s the Establishment and the Establishment is boring. They want idiot bigots for Middle Murka and get only stronger when you call him an idiot bigot (endorsed by the

Even as someone who’s probably just gonna vote for her, I agree. Although I don’t buy the BENGHAZI!!!!! or EMAIL SCANDAL!!!!! gobbledygook, she’s still too politician-y in an election where (white) millennials and (white) grey-beards have decided The Establishment Sucks, Fire Them All. They’ve made Gary Johnson, who

Part political (Conte knew who Giovinco was at Juve already), part practical (a bench guy at Juve goes to wreck MLS and Pirlo gets to walk around New York looking like a magazine model).

Pretty simple: MLS gets out of the way entirely. All clubs in American soccer should be 100% independent of any other organization. They pay tax, follow the rules, don’t go bankrupt and make tons of cash. You’ll care about your local soccer team when you have a stake in it...which nobody really does now.

Simply put: more money, fam. Just get rid of the cap, soccer people will come. Not hard. You can have Major League Soccer at a fraction of the cost of Major League Baseball (or the NBA for that matter).

Not if the clubs are fairly independent! MLS’s structure sucks because it’s a united morass, whereas in Europe clubs run 100% completely without interference of anyone or anything else. If MLS teams only colluded to syndicate a number of games on TV, for example, that would make them infinitely more cash than if they

COUNTER! I agree: MLS has a joke structure run by American sports owners who kowtow to their American sports fans who dabble in soccer while eliciting shrugs from real, diehard soccer hives.

1. The NFL has Thanksgiving? Nah, the NFL has life at this point. Football has basically has become a metonym for “Sports in America”. I could air a 5-hour NFL-themed First Take on ESPN about the best :40 times in the league, schedule it against TNT’s NBA playoffs and beat TNT’s ass like a ragdoll.

The Lakers built up a pretty significant following there, says a guy who grew up in LA for the vast majority of his childhood and is a LA Laker/Dodger fan.

If there’s anything I know about MLS, it’s that they’ve changed rules on a whim before.