
Leaning more towards Egyptian mythology too, especially with the Green VW Beetle. It made me think of a scarab and how it is used to symbolize the god Ra and the restoration of life. So Nicki and Mr. Wrench got a second chance at life from the god of the afterlife. “This is the universe at its most ironic.”

2 Soon 2 Furious

Very, "No Milo!"

Candy bars. Cocaine's cheaper.

Looking up Anthony Hill (Black Mac) for purely licentious reasons and unfortunately reminded of another police shooting. The actor's name is the same as the bipolar veteran shot while unarmed— and naked. What are the rules ?

Fat dudes are like red shirts in The Walking Dead universe. The moment I saw my brother-in-chunk, I knew he was doomed.

Also reminiscent of the braids Viola had on City of Angels.

"Julian and Beau fencing brought back a lot of Spartacus feelings. It’s nice to see Todd Lasance getting a nice, juicy role in Julian."

If you want to overlook the gaggle of teenage Asian wives, just a smidge less creepy than Warren Jeffs.