Phillip Taylor Mock

I'll just add Steve Carrell and his never-win for The Office to this list too.

Just yes to everything you said. Seriously, Community season 2 is one of the most AMAZING seasons of comedy television in recent years.

I mean, as long as he's back for the movie…

A nice homage to the Russo brothers, directors of Captain America 2 (and 3) who also directed season two's paintball episodes!

Do you speak of the unspeakable MC season 5 finale? heh

Exactly. I can't accept that she's bland because that would suggest that Jenna is interesting.

The only reason you may think Jenna is a frontrunner is because that's how the narrative is structured. So even though it takes 3.5 episodes to FINALLY introduce Ayla (did any of you know her name prior to this episode??) she's only on camera briefly with a talking head still to occur. And then her team actually wins

How can you possibly even know if she's bland or not, we don't KNOW her. We've barely even seen her until this episode and she hasn't even spoken