The video has been removed by the user. Think you could throw up another one?
The video has been removed by the user. Think you could throw up another one?
For that kind of Money, we should just bring the cup to the US. San Diego?
A nice stern $2 billion punishment for Donald Sterling! That ought to teach him to keep his racist mouth closed!
That is a hilarious way to handle that. Mahut only takes questions in French for the remainder of the press conference.
This article is really gay……...
Thank god punishment for rape is generally more the "a slap on the wrist."
I have no idea what the hell just happened there………...
V. Stiviano: "Why so serious??"
I am a diehard skins fan, and love Flecth, but if he has any respect and support of his former teammates, WHY put this out there? It's an obvious distraction, and he certainly doesn't seem that passionate about the topic. Last thing DC needs is more distractions.... GO WIZ!
You've obviously never seen Click.............
Billy, I must commend you on your description of this video. That is an incredibly long sentence you have created.
You know nothing, Jon Snow
Why does it "seem like Jackie Miles might want to think about toning it down a bit"? It was time for the bulls to leave, and Noah mouthed off to and disrespected him at his place of work for doing his job. Noah should represent himself and the bulls better than this. If anyone needs to tone it down, it's that spaz,…
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You mentioned Ham Vodka. As gross as it sounds my wife made bacon vodka over christmas. I was completely grossed watching that bacon sit in the vodka for days, but when it was done, it kicked ass. Used it for bloody marys.
Those little babies need a serious lesson in body language, ASAP. Bird looked very disappointed.