
Tokyo Drift was the best Fast and the Furious

The non-Skyline RWD I6 Nissans are also pretty great.

At least it’s not a fan jumping on a counter at McDonalds cussing out a minimum wage worker that they cant get fucking fry sauce.

The worst part is that they’d built hotel on Boardwalk, so he owed like $500 in rent just for one night.

It does.

That’s such a useless semantic difference my face hurts. It’s up to Tesla to determine what a car sells for, everything else is how you feel. Everybody is “getting what they paid for” because there is no deception at the point of sale.

For cpu and gpu makers they would sometimes gimp a higher end card by disabling some cores or stream processors and then selling it as a lower end cheaper card. Would you complain about that.

Cool! Welcome! Also, FUCK YOU THIS ARTICLE IS TOTAL BULLSHIT! I already knew Ohio sucks.

Pai is so transparent. He’s still doing the show that Oliver called him out on.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I find your lack of Comic Sans... disturbing.

I never understood the hate on this guy. Sure his jokes aren’t for everyone, but he has found a way to make the same jokes lowbrow and high brow a the same time. I always found them creative. I’ve also thought his voice was kinda perfect for what he does. Its very fitting.

That’s what I do, especially in a tricky car or motorcycle situation. Calm and collected, get through it, THEN freak the fuck out when it’s safe to do so. Because freaking out has to happen too.

...Here you go.

“Why is it always the people with shitty cars that try and show out? No one gives a fuck about your 10-year-old V6 charger, I promise.”

That movie single handedly brought back the entire franchise. It was dead until Tokyo Drift made Fast and Furious fun again. I said it. 2 certainly didn’t do it any favors...

Ouch, that impact probably knocked his monocle out.

Funny little anecdote, partly true, partly urban motorcycle legend:

DeMuro got paid in Sizzler coupons. Hmmm I wonder if that’s why he left...