
So many of the comments are tossing around non-USD numbers and prices per liter, it’s all very confusing. Dammit I’m American, don’t you know you’re supposed to assimilate to everything we do so we don’t have to think?? We’ve been running the world with our gallons, feet and miles, don’t think for a second we’re going

It looks like a Lego car.

See I would be the exact opposite of #1, or what this poster is asking for. I chose a Civic for my first “new” car I purchased while in college (had a Ford Tempo and Buick somethingorother before that), and I absolutely recommend that route to anyone. I guess the opposite of reliable economical is “fun”, I guess I’d

I live in CA, where electric vehicles are very popular. So is solar. So it’s a lame argument, literally every single person I know with an EV has solar, and even if they didn’t, our state has a ton of renewables for power plants and pretty much every major provider allows you to pay a teeny but extra to get most or