Miles Teg

Is it wrong of me to simultaneously feel surprised and disappointed that these shitheads survived? So that they can get their slap on the wrist because nobody else got hurt, and hey, nothing bad can ever happen to rich males?

I'm just going to scream "PROMETHEUS" into a pillow all day until I pass out from lack of air.

Oh, not what scientific ideas, but what outdated and misunderstood ideas should be retired.

Well, it's not a theory, of course. But the idea that vaccines cause autism should die in a fire. Then, when the fire is out, I'd invite everyone to piss on the ashes.

The Tribbles turn out to be mutated creatures who assault the Federation and in order to stop them, the Enterprise must turn to the aid of a mysterious figure who will only refer to himself as The Outrageous Okana

A courtroom drama about personhood for tribbles.

Ender's Game

Because this is America and our attention span for caring is about 1 to 2 weeks per crisis.

I subscribe to the view that this movie actually takes place in the psychedelically deranged night terrors of Dr Ian Malcolm, which, to me, means they can do whatever the f-hell they like.

worst of all... NO Jeff Goldblum!!

Captain John "Nuke 'Em" Sheridan.

The Maquis got screwed over by the Federation super hard after the Federation/Cardassian war.

Michael Eddington. He knew that the Cardassian empire was run by the fascist/ruthless military ruler Dukat. He knew that all the Marquis bases in the DMZ were going to be wiped out if they didn't take a stand. He acted to save millions of innocent lives, but not always in the best way.

I was expecting to see the rescue craft....

Great. Now let's have the rest of the country pass an amendment to make the entire state conservation land. A Florida populated by nothing but alligators and mosquitoes will have a combined IQ much higher than today's.

Also it took forever to find but after commissioning lasers and forcing people into camps and taking over lands a lot of people have been making the comparison.

Metal Storm...the name helps a lot.