Miles Teg

The ending of The Mist. Hahaha oh god just looking at these pictures makes me laugh.

Don't get me wrong, I liked this movie and it was appropriately freaky and thought provoking. But this ending my god!! Thomas Jane trying to scream and the over blown score and Carol from Walking Dead rolling by and then soldiers. It

It's from a book, but Hari Seldon from the Foundation Series.

Sorry Wil Wheaton. I love your show, but you'll never live this down. And for the record, it's more how the character was written than the quality of the actor.

Obnoxious? Certainly. Psychotic? Definitely.

Ill just put this here.

No, doesn't need a wash. And PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON!

Do you really need to ask?

Star Trek did it first. I present to you the U.S.S Prometheus.

Hate to break it to this guy, but despite what Ferran Adria would have you believe, cooking is not a science.

Coming soon to America is what I wish you said.

Yeah, $1.5 Trillion to lockheed for a handful of barely working F-35's, is fine, but 1/10th of that for exploring the universe and all you get is the "we have enough problems here on earth" speech...

I am confused by this headline. Based on a thorough and time-consuming search of relevant video clips on the internet, it is my impression that women do not, in fact, have pubic hair.

I love how pundits focus on things like a $5 billion dollar Obamacare website not working right, but a non working ONE TRILLION DOLLAR aircraft program doesn't work and will likely never work, but that's totally OK.


Rep. Bob Latta (R) is representing his constituency's desire to be screwed over by unregulated industries.