Miles Teg

America is a dying country, incapable of improvement.

But it would have been a Chrysler, and therefore crap.

Does anyone think “Let the Nazis run the PD” Buttigieg is going to make anything even remotely better?

I wonder if the human body will even react to something so alien.

Does anyone know what they were protesting?

Why is this news? Why does anyone who isn’t a rich actor care about anything that happens at the shows where rich actors congratulate each other for being rich actors?

I’m fine with this. Anything that hurts oligarchs is fine by me.

I’m still getting over the flu after someone sneezed on me at an Indian Restaurant in the last week of February. I knew it wasn’t COVID because one of those government tests came back “NEGATIVE” and COVID doesn’t make your sinuses produce rivers of snot.

I thought it was for dorky adults, like John Iadarola?

I didn’t learn that a “baker’s dozen” was 13 until after I finished college. I thought it was 16. I remember several questions on standardized tests and entrance exams over my life that simply listed “a baker’s dozen” as the number of objects.

I’m an American Anglophone and I do no give a damn about crossing Latin conjugations with Greek roots. If I want to refer to the plural of octopus as “octopi”, you can bet I will! Who’s with me? Who’s bloody with me?!

But I want PDF’s to open in my browser rather than downloading them. I have to make sure they’re useful, and if they are I need their web addresses for source documents.

They’re wasting money, there.

Maybe a Mercedes G-Wagon, not an AMG model. Though given the direction the world is going in, even without Biden about to start WW3 in hopes of making Republicans like him, it will probably be a rusted bicycle or an oxen-drawn cart.

They could add more safety features, but they won’t. Safety features cost money, and it’s cheaper just to bribe the government to not make safety features required and to protect the oil company from liability.


Isn’t Drake supposed to be an Indiana Jones knockoff? And they cast a prepubescent British school boy.

If dinosaurs reappeared before our ancestors discovered how to make bronze weapons, they might have wiped us out.

The first film in this series was stupid and suffered from bad writing and casting. I didn’t see the second, but it was apparently much worse.

Yeah, that USA has fleets of flying death robots carrying Hellfire missiles. And there aren’t enough weddings and schools in the Middle East to use them on.