Miles Teg

That’s 10 years too late.

The entire point of Biden running for president was preventing Bernie from winning. Biden promised his donors that there would be no change in standards of living. He’s probably intended to be America’s President Paul Von Hindenburg,

Well don’t worry about the climate. Biden agreed to privatize large parts of our infrastructure, so global warming solved. #FDR2.0

The Deccan Trapps eruption in what is now Northern India. It probably wouldn’t have wiped out the dinosaurs, as most of those mantle plume eruptions haven’t caused mass extinction events, but it certainly would not have helped.

Lego’s patents expired a few years ago. Maybe switching to recycled plastic could help them get new ones.

“Heater does almost nothing”. Like an 80s Land Rover.

That marker on Key West is constantly surrounded by tourists taking pictures. I couldn’t get a clear shot. But there is a sea turtle hospital you should definitely visit.

Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket are full of stuffy rich pricks. So if your visit there, be as loud and obnoxious as possible.

And here I actually emailed the Norwegian University. And it looks like you’re correct, maybe that’s why the company disappeared. I wonder what would happen if the reactor happened in a non-reactive gas atmosphere, like helium or xenon.

There was a Scandinavian company developing a method of producing H2 using alkali metals and water in an oxygen poor atmosphere about 10 years ago, but they seem to have disappeared. It was featured in an episode of “Modern Marvels”. I heard they sold their patents to a major oil company, which is currently hiding

Gasoline isn’t explosive either, until it becomes a vapor. You can actually put out a fire by drenching it in gas.

Normally you’d be right, but LH2's density is only 70.85 g/L. Gasoline’s is 748 g/L. So that huge fuel tank might as well be empty. My guess is the tank will be made composite overwrapped aluminum, meaning it will weigh next to nothing to begin with.

A hydrogen burning piston engine is somewhat more efficient than a fuel cell system, a turbine engine with an electric drive train would be most efficient. Still they’re going to have to refuel a lot, LH2 isn’t very dense at all. And odds are they’ll get the H2 from methane.

Oh they already know. There are probably hundreds of cloaked Von Neumann probes in the Sol System monitoring our antics. All they have to do is paint the probes with Vantablack, and we’d never see them.

But that’s cheating.

Ryan’s online inventory doesn’t list a red 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

I love the plastic body armor.

There’s never going to be a hydrogen economy, especially not in America. The private sector won’t invest in anything that won’t yield a massive profit immediately, and the government is controlled by corrupt politicians paid to maintain the status quo by our oligarch masters.

The literacy rate in Texas is about 6%, so the contracts probably said the power company could do this in bright red 120 pt bold Times New Roman print.

I don’t like them. They look like a girl doing duckface.