Miles Teg

It’s amazing that Chrysler used to make good cars.

They used a brilliant mechanical heat exchange system.

If it doesn’t still work as a jet ski, what’s the point?

Gibbs products are stupidly expensive, too much for a summer time toy.

I really like roof mounted control panels. More cars should have them. Better than a sun roof.

He also needs to start teaching at an accredited university, so he can become “Mr. Dr. Professor Brain”.

Conservative-only social media networks keep failing because Nazis need adversarial audiences to get their kicks. If they can’t “own da libs”, they can’t feel fulfilled.

Remember all those alternative fuel projects in the first Obama administration? Most of their patents were bought up by fossil fuel companies, who then buried the technology.

The local police did the same thing when I totaled my beloved Honda Element during a polar vortex in 2019. I hit a patch of black slush and had to swerve to avoid a minivan full of kids, and hit a utility pole.

“Hey baby, my apartment has a private elevator.” - Every 20-something man and lesbian who decides to live in one of these.

Didn’t SCOTUS just rule that cops can shoot dogs for any reason?

The cop felt the house threatened his life and the dog was bum-rushing him. Also women’s legs can be more dangerous than a gun.

I like the paint job.

I only found one in that price range, and it is in Illinois.

Musk wants to use indentured servitude, aka diet slavery, on Mars.

Neither of them should have any power over space development.

Given Elon Musk’s family background, his proposal to use indentured servitude on Mars is not surprising.

Those wealthy parasites get to write off their charity on their taxes. The federal government could do a lot more good simply by taxing the rich and spending that money on social programs.

Crying babies give me instant migraines.

I needed a new facebook cover photo, so I asked Reddit to make this.