Miles Teg

Why did Dark Crystal get cancelled? It was great.

What is the point of large TVs?

It’s literally part of the Pacific “Ring of Fire”. It would be shocking if it wasn’t full of  volcanoes.

Does anyone really believe Biden is going to do anything substantive about climate change? His cabinet picks say otherwise.

At least it’s not a Ford.

All I see when I see a BMW is the bucktoothed mouth breathing neckbeard behind the reporter.’s a VW?

Apple products have become unreasonably expensive, and I don’t think I’ll be able to justify buying another Apple computer. PCs have finally closed the quality gap, at least according to my recovering Apple fanboy eyes, and Windows 10 is just as good as OSX. I’m waiting for the cost of a 7th generation Ipod to drop

Establish dominance over people with inferior genes.

One trope I absolutely hate is what I call “Gilligan’s Island SciFi”. It’s where people from a technological or super technological civilization end up stranded on a planet inhabited by a primitive civilization without anything more advanced than the wheel.

Isn’t the new Bronco a bit expensive, especially considering we’re in the Trump Depression?

Musk seems to want to turn Mars into a giant tax haven for the ultra rich.

A lot of plastics can be rerefined/derefined/processed into combustible petrochemical fuels, and with a bit of extra effort even converted into diesel or petrol.

I hate the Avalanche and everyone who owns one.

Does anyone remember that commercial with the vending machine that shot cans of pop at people? 

As an astronautics engineer, I trust Roscosmos a whole heck of heap more than any for-profit company. Besides, the privatization of any government function is bad and should be opposed at all opportunities.

Just remember: Musk is not an engineer, scientist, or visionary. He is just a rich businessman who hires STEM people, and takes credit for their accomplishments.

Was Battle for Azeroth any good? I quit WoW after it was announced, after playing since classic.

Reminds me of something I did in college. In the school’s main cafeteria, the TVs were always turned to Fox News because of the ROTC kids. So I bought a small universal remote control from ThinkGeek, and changed the channel on all four TVs every chance I got. It didn’t have number keys, but I eventually memorized the

No other Randal Flagg will ever equal the 1994 version.