Miles Teg

Without the threat of the Nazis, the US and UK would have probably gone to war sometime in the mid 1930's over both of their violation of Naval arms limits treaties, probably costing the British Empire Canada and Australia. The Soviet Union would have probably launched an invasion of Western Europe by 1945.

I’m only 30.

That’s one reason I generally don’t like modern car design, especially sports and luxury cars. I hate when details are added purely for aesthetic reasons, or to make a car more expensive. I prefer strict utilitarianism. A car is a tool, not a status symbol or lifestyle choice. That said I do suffer from chronic migrain

That’s not entirely inaccurate. There was a study conducted in the early 21st century that found the hormones in semen do have a minor antidepressant effect in menstruating women. And surveys of women who have frequent sex suggested those who don’t require condoms are happier than those who do. But since my source was

We all know the people wrecking the parks are all trumpists. 

I already love it, but need to see the seat layout and how the doors open.

Oh no! What will travelers do without the security theater to slow them down and touch their privates?! Seriously the TSA is completely useless and if I were president it would be one of the first government agencies I shut down, along with the whole DHS.

Anderson Cooper is kind of a garbage person.

Although I don’t like America sports cars, or sports cars in general, I am interested to see a behind-the-driver mid engine corvette.

There should be uniform safety and environmental standards for the whole world. That sounds certainly make it easier to sell cars overseas. 

European standards are already generally higher in every respect, and their cars still manage to be faster, more powerful, more efficient, better refined, and generally five to ten years more advanced. And even you compare the cost to the wages earned by the average worker, they cost about the same. 

Civilized people don’t make fun of the mentality impaired. 

I didn’t know they still made spray on “hair”.

What drooling syphilitic moron did this? Who ever they are they should be rendered sterile, along with every member of their family regardless of age out to away least three separations. The entire bloodline that birthed such an idiot busi grew discontinued!

GM hasn’t actual done anything new, advanced, or inventive in decades; other than the Aztek. So which European car is this based on?

So is the engine going to be behind the driver mid-engine, or just further hasn than usual under the hood and behind the front axle and in front of the driver mid-engine”.

The laws of physics, explosions, lane discipline, grammar...

Is he really tweeting about how corporations are great and populism is bad? I’m almost afraid, but mostly to indifferent, to check. 

George H.W. Bush is one of the few people that can be pointed at and have it definitively said that his life and works made the world worse. Especially his children. 

Americans need to realize that she isn’t an intelligent person. She is just as intelligent as the men in her family, she’s just a better actor. She was sent to finishing schools to learn how to act like a high society intelligent woman. She can speak without sounding like an idiot, but she doesn’t actually know anythin