Miles Teg

This is going to piss off petrol heads, but I was very happy with the 2.2 L Ecotec L61 I4 in my last car, a 2004 Chevy Malibu Classic. I never had problems with it, besides one time it got EMPed by a plane taking off, as my college was right next to an airport. It had a great sound, in that small light car it did 0-60

I love cars with clam shell tailgates. That’s part of why I wanted an Element.

Related question: Why have we never hollowed out a mountain and built a city in it like Erebor? Other than Cappadochia and NORAD, and few other small places. They’d most liekly be safe from a nuclear war, unless it was hit by a Big Ivan.

This man now knows how the world will end.

Wouldn’t a tranquilizer dart be more effective?

And Minnesota has a better economy than Texas. We’re also smarter and better in every way except climate. Our climate sucks and is controlled directly by the devil.

Why is it more legally acceptable to murder thousands of soldiers and civilians rather than just have one troublesome world leader murdered? Maybe if the world’s elites knew they were fair game, they’d behave better.

I assume there is a hard mechanical connection between the prop’s drive systems. If not I don’t want to go within a half mile of that thing.

Wanna bet it will be so expensive that only the rich can afford to use it.

Why does Texas get the Hyperloop before Minnesota?! Texas sucks.

Water gets less dense when is freezes. Most other substances are the opposite. Solid aluminum will sink beneath the surface of a pool of molten aluminum.

The Trumpists aren’t even trying to hide their corruption. If they were democrats, they all would have been impeached by now.

Where did the idea that leggings were an acceptable substitute for pants come from? And why would you wear leg wear without functioning pockets?

As long as it wasn’t James May. He gets hurt too often.

Curling is better to watch than football or handegg or baseball.

No it isn’t. It tells me which cars NOT to consider.

I meant that I don’t think he knows sh*t about cars.

If we have to have a Top Gear America, Doug DeMuro should be one of the hosts. He isn’t exactly famous, but he is at least an automotive journalist.

Neil deGrass Tyson drives an Infiniti. So I don’t think he’s much of a car guy.

How about we not have a Top Gear America? Other than The Office and Whose Line is it Anyway, American remakes of British shows are never as good.