
Fuck Johnson? Are you fucking serious right now Ellie??? How about fuck the DNC? How about fuck all the ignoramuses that believe it has been and always will be a two party system in this country?? Nah FUCK YOU for trying to discount anyone for exercising their right to vote! If 54-57% of the country was stupid enough

Maybe you should blame Hillary for sucking so bad at being a decent human being that the majority who didn’t like Trump, regardless of who they ended up voting for, couldn’t stomach voting for her.

While you’re at it, maybe you should blame the DNC for rigging the primaries for her. Maybe you should blame all of those

The only person to blame for Hillary losing, is Hillary. She’s the fuck up with the endless scandals and lies. She’s the fuck up with the idiots who fucked up the election process which utterly disenfranchised the democratic base. Even with huge numbers of Bernie-or-Bust voters removed from the equation, she still

This line of thinking is so incredibly stupid. Hillary lost because she was a bad candidate and widely disliked on both sides. Last I checked, Obama didn’t have any trouble with Johnson in 2012.

The chances are that he pulled voters from both sides. I think blaming third party candidates is reactionary. This is blame shifting. Hilary, for all her good intentions was a fundamentally flawed candidate right out of the gate. She’s had nearly three decades worth of noted history, positive and negative, in

Sorry Ellie and those who agree with you, fuck Hillary and the DNC. They are the ones whose election it was to lose. They fucked up, not Johnson or Stein for offering laughable alternatives. Also, the electoral map did not change by more than maybe one state because of their involvement. Do not blame third parties,

I remember the 1992 election. I was in 5th grade, and my school had a mock election. I remember when the results were announced over the PA system. Clinton won with a little better than half the votes, Bush in 2nd with just under half the votes, Ross Perot in the single digits, and a candidate in 4th place with a very

Gary Johnson had nothing to do with this. We lost. Our party’s complacency did us in. We placed so much emphasis on Hillary and the righteous feeling of inevitability that we couldn’t see the forest for the trees. The rejection of our candidate says less about the rejection of the progressive platform and more about

so sorry that your choice for president wasn’t elected!

Your candidate had the lowest Electoral count since Mondale and this is Gary Johnson’s fault?

Fuck you for perpetuating this bullshit argument. It wasn’t Libertarianss or Independents’ or disenfranchised lifetime Republicans’ job to win the election for Clinton. That was her and the DEMOCRATS’ job. You people failed. Johnson and Stein didn’t make a bit of difference. Live with this result that the candidate

Fuck you Ellie for using your platform to undermine the progressives populist movement leaving only an autocratic oppressive populist movement for people disenfranchised by rich establishment politicians working for rich people on the backs of the rest of us. Fuck you for ridiculing a good man who wanted to actually

Let me know when the scapegoating is done. I hated the campaign that we ran from start to finish. By the time the DNC moved onto the general election, the public was already divided into tribes and hoping our cohesion would beat theirs. Then, like now, it was scapegoating all around and we dropped the ball in an

Fuck Hillary Clinton. She lost all on her own. Its her own damn fault, not some boogeyman 3rd party voter. She isn’t owed those votes. She failed to inspire people to vote for her and that is simply her fault.

Whatever you do democrats, please don’t look in the mirror. Blame 3rd parties, wikileaks, FBI, Russia, the media, etc...This loss has nothing to do with the fact the democrats basically trotted out a hawkish neocon. Sure, run someone who voted for the Patriot Act (twice), the war in Iraq, who is so hawkish that the