Lately the alcohol level in my blood is BECAUSE of Trump’s I.Q.
Lately the alcohol level in my blood is BECAUSE of Trump’s I.Q.
I think he could have won the moral battle and the reasonable battle by doing something other than what he did and the option you suggest.
It’s not like I can get MORE purged, but the irony of a second purging because of a mass of comments DEFENDING Bernie Sanders against SPLINTER criticism is delicious to think about.
“With five to nine thousand migrants there waiting and seeking asylum—do you think they all have a credible claim for asylum?”
What is even the criticism here? That he reasonably answered a question put to him? I guess he could have recognized it immediately for the dipshit gotcha question it was and refused to answer it at all. But his answer to it wasn’t unreasonable, and he pivoted to a talk about comprehensive immigration reform, which…
I’m curious: Sanders’ initial response appears to be, “Look, maybe not every person coming to the border at the moment has a legitimate claim for asylum, but the situation at the border as-is is pushing us toward comprehensive immigration reform, which can only be a net good in the long run.”
I’m having a really hard…
He could be (and probably should be) the best informed human being on the planet, and he doesn’t know the fucking weather forecast being broadcast on any of six or seven national news networks.
He even got wrong that the hurricane is getting “more powerful” - it’s actually lost some windspeed in the last 12 hours. That’s not a complaint at all regarding the strength of the storm. It’s more an observation that even when he could get something simple correct, even just one actual, real fact in a burst of…
Go for it Roy.
Likely because he’s never been held to account for his lies.
I liken it to a child who is never seriously reprimanded or punished for misbehavior; over time, they come to realize that while their parents might give them a stern look, or raise their voice a little, no consequence of any real weight is forthcoming—and so…
All due respect we need to see the bottom... especially when that bottom is indicative of who is voting and supporting Trump. I want the deranged nugget of racist idiocy that is raging at the center and heart of Trumpdom recorded and shown to us all. We cannot excise the cancer until we know exactly what and where it…
Tuchman: So you don’t have any proof of that?
how do I retweet this
Exactly! Taking your megayacht on a cruise around Lake Erie is like bringing your Ferrari out for a spin around the mall parking lot.
You’re right. The right has never, ever done anything like this! Not once ever!
We can go back to pointing and laughing at the sheer absurdity of this while secretly choking back the existential fear every time we stop to think that in spite of all of the above this jackass will probably be re-elected because the only thing dumber than modern American politicians are modern American voters.
“Exploited for profit”