
Sweet Christmas indeed.

This was so great, I loved that it functioned as a prequel to the movies to come. I know a lot of people are gonna bitch about the lack of tournament but I was perfectly fine with what we got, goofy bits and all. Some epic fight scenes with epic fatalities was all i ever really needed but they managed a halfway decent

What happens when you reach that many games?

When you’re bringing in such a vast scale, yes video games and discussions about them are all insignificant compared to real issues. I mean, holy shit, does someone actually have to say “in the context of video games, the entire theme of this website”? One that often uses colloquialisms and hyperbole given it’s a

You know, I really want to hate Ryan Reynolds, but he keeps doing fun stuff like this. That dumb hot asshole.

We ran out of cone-shaped filters and my wife (who doesn’t care how her coffee is made as long as it is caffeinated) bought cheap flat-bottomed ones that don’t really do the job right. I should probably just toss them and order the right ones, because they annoy me just a little bit every day.

Says the man who owns a milk frother....

There are literally toggles that allow you to turn off mechanisms that were either introduced in THPS2 or later games. But you know, be salty.

*puts this in her blog topic rolodex to bust out as we get closer to DA4*

I keep holding out hope that someone will suddenly decide to remake Krull. I mean it’s a fun as hell movie but imagine what it could be with a big budget and big special effects.  

All of those things are tools to terrify and intimidate, something saying “I’m Batman” doesn’t quite do and in fact undercuts. Especially when compared to “I am the night” or “I am vengeance.”

I am fully aware. I still think chicken butt is funny and I genuinely enjoy the film Hook. I have terrible taste.

Wow, surprised that didn’t take Ages.

always bugs me when I put the number of years since the game was kickstarted into the headline and forget that development actually started in 2010-11.

I don’t like Minecraft, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find it impressive. The idea of this still blows my mind.

There is no movie, only t-shirt

I’m some young scruffy rascal trying to make good in this gaming industry.

Well, contrary to iceyweiner’s hot take of vehement disagreement with all words written in the article, I’m totally down with this too, Stephen. I especially love getting the occasional Direct where they will discuss a game and then say it’s available now in the eShop. There is nothing wrong with putting on the brakes

So there are a.. lot of.. Outer Rim jobs?